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new subie

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 7:12 pm
by chook69
hi all!
i have put up a pic of a 1999 impreza RX MY99 (AWD) the car im about to buy.. it has a full body kit with BC sports fully adjustable suspension an a 1994cc 2L engine, with 5 spd (man).. is that the ej20 2L engine? becouse if it is! im going to drop the ej20 turbo in her with headers an a lukey exhaust system with a x-force cannon.. tho i dont kno on what headers would be good for this.. any tips pls?

ps: i hope the pic turns out. if not well then im sorry guys, i need more training lol
(it was a link copy an past job)

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 7:19 pm
by spike
picture failed
only way to link it is from somthing like facebook or click add picture.
sounds like the ej20

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 8:28 pm
by Gannon
worked for me


Transplanting and engine is a pretty big job, headers and exhaust are the least of your worries.

Have you ever done any major mechanical work before? Because if you havent, i dont suggest you take on an engine conversion without help from somebody who has, its a big job.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 9:02 pm
by chook69
yer i knew it would be a big job, but i have done engine translants befor on other older cars. but not on a subie, im prity cluey about stuff like that an love it. iv worked around engines all my life. so i dont think that i would have too much truble, tho if i do! i have a good mechanic on standby that will do the job for me for a good rate (take car an pay him bit by bit rate) he did the timming in my liberty: cost $2000 to replace some of the timming parts + water pump (the timming was broken an out) so he let me pay the bill off an take the car..wooHOO im still paying the bill off now but in the mean time im also injoying the liberty ride... i have a half cut with a ej20 turbo engine on standby, comes with wireing harness, computer and engine mounts for $2.200.... is this the way to go or am i just wasting my time like i was wasting with the liberty that i own?

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 10:20 pm
by sven '2'
Just buy a WRX?

Cost slightly more to purchase, but less stuffing around and therefore less tears

Also conversions are worth less as re-sale

Just my thoughts


Ninja edit - see you like liberties? Genuine AUDM RS Liberties go for around the $6k mark, some with the 'fully sic' cannon mufflers as well!

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 10:46 pm
by chook69
cool! if i can get a WRX for under the $6000 price rang with a billion miles on it, yer the wrx would be the go. but that would depand on what models i can get in the wrx thats ej20 turbo compatible! this car is in the $5990 range an its a Y99, an plus i dont mind abit of stuffing around as i have all the time in the world to do this job.. i cant get my licence back untill 2020.. so now i made my mrs go for her licence an now she is only on her L's an cant go for her p's untill february 2011 and there for she still cant drive turbos while being on her P's.. so i said learn in a manual while on ya L's an P's an get ready for the turbo that goes in the day you get your full licence :) an plus i wont be reselling it anyway. it can grow old with us an become a rust bucket... i wanted to turbo my 1991 liberty LX! but i got told that wernt a good option.. im beter of geting a diffrent suby to do it to:(


Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 9:55 am
by brumbyrunner
You've been disqualified from driving for 10 years?
What on earth did you do?

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 10:17 am
by chook69
no! i was disqualified for 18 years an still need to wait 10 more years, but thats wat you get if you never stop for the law:(

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 10:37 am
by brumbybear
Damn 18 years thats impressive... longest ive ever heard of...

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 3:12 pm
by chook69
yer it is a long time! :rolleyes: evryones telling me to take it back to court to appeal against the remaining 10 years becourse i already did 8 years out of the 18 years.. mmm maybe i should, ppl say that the law is changed now about giving ppl a long an heavy time from not driving... anyone got any info on that?

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 3:30 pm
by Alex
please tell us what you did :)

i thought losing my license for 6 months for doing 53 over the limit on a double demerit long weekend was hardcore!


Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 5:43 pm
by chook69
dude! i just got into alot of high speed chasers doing alot of damage to cop cars.. this was wen i was a young dick head in me 20s an im 36 now... oh nearly 40 :( lol try doing 190 in a 80 zone an rideing two cars off in the mean time (your car an a cop car) i got 6 months jail for that one too.. anyway isnt this of topic?

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 6:03 pm
by Alex
haha okay man back on topic..all model subis are ej20 compatible :)

a cheap wrx in perth(not sure over east) is worth about 8grand and this will range from a 1995-1998.

If you want to undergo a conversion(the car youre looking at looks like a great candidate for it) youd want to budget for around 3grand id say. This will include gearbox, driveshafts etc. Youll also have to upgrade the brakes, find a turbo bonnet(or upgrade to a front mount)

good thing is if you buy a gc8 impreza and a gc8 wrx frontcut everything will bolt strait up.

id buy a wrx to be honest, saves alot of hassling and you get the real deal.


Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 6:29 pm
by chook69
thanx! yer true man, a wrx would be nice:) but i wouldnt leave a wrx turbo just siting in me back yard for about 3 years.. i would be driveing it my self an be in more shit lol.. i inteand of teaching my mrs to learn in the manul impreza while i get all the parts together for the converion.. once i know that she can drive the manul good anoth.. thats when i kick her ass out an back into her own car so i can do my converion :)
but all this will be takeing place over 2 years.. so i think ill leave the impreza standed while being on her Ps an she can drive that around an we retire the liberty for a while untill i start to do the converion on the impreza

ps: i bent up my inner lips on the top rear wheel archers on our liberty to stop the tires from being cut away, there only a 205/55R15 size tyres on a 15 rim.. so dose that come under the> MODIFICATIONS NOT REQUIRING CERTIFICATION= (inner mudguard modifications) or the> MODIFICATION AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIRING CERTIFICATION UNDER LH APPROVAL CODES= ( constrution of a vehicle by extending or reducing the wheelbase e.g. stretched limousine) ??????? i have posted this part in the other posts, but i have not got a reply.. so i try my luck here

anyone got any info about that one pls!!!!


Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 7:47 pm
by GOD
chook69 wrote: ps: i bent up my inner lips on the top rear wheel archers on our liberty to stop the tires from being cut away, there only a 205/55R15 size tyres on a 15 rim.. so dose that come under the> MODIFICATIONS NOT REQUIRING CERTIFICATION= (inner mudguard modifications) or the> MODIFICATION AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIRING CERTIFICATION UNDER LH APPROVAL CODES= ( constrution of a vehicle by extending or reducing the wheelbase e.g. stretched limousine) ??????? i have posted this part in the other posts, but i have not got a reply.. so i try my luck here

anyone got any info about that one pls!!!!

That comes under the> MODIFICATIONS NO ONE WILL EVER NOTICE OR CARE ABOUT. You've reshaped a tiny bit of non-structural sheet metal. It does not require certification.


Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 8:57 pm
by chook69
thanx! WOOhoo :) i had to bend them up course the tires 205/50R15's are hard to get for my size 15 rims.. i should of went the size 16 rims with 205/40R16 tires, but too late now.. i wanna lower our liberty, but im scared that the tires will rub on the inside of the inner guards an inner rear wheel arch when i drop the car. the 205 part of the tire looks abit to wide for the liberty an sits just abit inside of the frunt guards an rear wheel archers

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 9:28 pm
by sven '2'
After 18 years of suspension won't you have to learn to drive again? Starting with 'L's or at least 'P's??

Is a turbo car the best place to start??

Stick with the Liberty LX - honest car with few surprises


Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 9:59 pm
by chook69
hmm! i wouldnt kno about that one, tho i realy dont care if i do or i dont have a licence becouse i love the grog too mutch now :) pluss why get a licence when you can get someone to drive you around hehe..

apart for the turbo! yer the liberty goes well but still has a serg spot when it changers into 2nd gear..i brought it for $600 an had to register it in my mrs name as i have fines an now her perants play god with it an says its her car now leave it alone.. so now i want me own car so i can put in my name while im paying ma fines off, an then thay cant say shit.. .. i use to like the lancers but im hooked on the subaroo's now.. so yer im realy keen on geting one an im out to bye me self a impreza, an i want it looking good
with a nice ej20t :) ... D_14311015
ps! is this a (AWD)... i cant tell... an is it worth the price thay say?