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What to do - Advice Please

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:25 am
by carlie400
Hi All,
Some of you will know my scooby ru's story, some will not. So I have a beautiful '78 brumby. Some years ago (roughly 8) he was totally stripped down repainted and put back together. I am not entirely sure of the attention to detail that was paid doing that job as it had nothing to do with me.
I had the motor done roughly 2 years ago fully rebuilt. Mechanically he is in tip top condition, I will need a distributor at some stage in the future but that is about it.
Interior is.. average. Somehow during all of his restoration no one bothered to connect the hoses under the dash so he has no heater. The door trims are both cracking and splitting in various places.
I do love him very much and drive him almost everyday (except when it's way too cold) and I DID have plans to eventually sand back little spots of his exterior, remove rust and respray. I was also going to get the heater hoses re connected and find/have made new door trims.
I have recently been having second thoughts. I do not plan or expect to ever make money on his sale although I am un sure if he is actually worth anything to anyone. I have personally never seen another 78 on the road and the guy at volksbaru, where he gets his mechanics done said that people often stop at his shop to look at it. He also said he has never seen one in as good a condition as mine.
Here is my second thoughts issue though recently discovered. It has been raining A LOT around me and scooby lately and I have begun to notice LEAKING into the interior. One leaking spot is somewhere? near the passenger side floor and the other leaking spot is in the wall behind the drivers seat where the water comes in and the pools underneath the drivers seat.
He is just beginning to appear as a WAY too costly and time consuming exercise to restore.
I have been told the little paint bubbles around the roof may be much deeper rust spots than I am expecting however obviously I have not started to do any of the sanding I was planning yet, so I don't know.
Should I spend the money and time and continue the life of my little vintage car or let him go to heaven.
I have another vehicle, I dont NEED him as such but I do love him. I DONT KNOW!!! Any help, advice or comments would be greatly appreciated.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:35 am
by steptoe
The leak could likely be the windscreen needing a new rubber or a reseal buy a window guy who will guarantee his or her workman or workwoman ship.
You love him (for us fellas they are usually hers) Never really were too many Brumbys around - seen maybe just four in real life.

Wonder if a crude heater core could be rigged up with a crude fan behind?

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:46 am
by 1111giles
I hear your pain from the far side of the world !:D Halifax UK to be precise.
You MUST have him fixed correctly and then YOU can enjoy many more years of unique motoring and I can assure you - every mile sorry Km's you drive - you will have a grin as wide as you can on your face.

I vote bite the bullet spend the $ (over time if that helps) and keep him going !

Or some of my friends in the UK will buy him from you as there is a debate about importing some atm here as Mk1's are basically down to about 3 now here !
And NO Jonno I am NOT one of those contemplating !:mrgreen:

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:50 am
Find a shed with a nice cement floor and put him up on chocks/blocks, then care for him by cleaning and starting him once a month.


Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:38 am
by AndrewT
If a little water leak is what has suddenly changed your mind then just fix that for now. I'm sure that won't be costly.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:47 am
by El_Freddo
I've since seen another one on the road in benders - white, he was selling the canopy on ebay a couple of weeks ago.

I would love to spend a week with your little subi to see if there's anything I can sort out for you - the only thing is that the first opportunity I'll have to do this is mid october :(

I reckon you look after him Carlie. You're at that point were it all seems just too much - but once he's gone I reckon you'll be kicking yourself as nothing new comes close to what he did for you as a vehicle... I know I'll feel this way with Ruby Scoo if I ever get rid of her.

I'm still on the look out for a parts car for you if you're still after one - I realise that it might cost a bit initially, but the value of a parts car is truly invaluable when it comes to needing bits quickly etc.

Ultimately it is your decision but as you've asked our advice I'm guessing you're in two minds - which tells me you just need fellow subi fanatic's re-assuarnce that you're doing the right thing by keeping him. As Toonga said, if you have a place that you can store him on blocks and do little bits at a time you'll be more satisfied and glad you kept him in the long run. He could stay there for 10 years if need be!



Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:49 am
by 78sti
Firstly put it in a shed/ garage or carport. Mother nature is very good a giving old cars cancer if they are not under cover. If you cannot do this I would suggest selling it to somebody that can. I think that it may be worth more than you think but it may take a while to find a buyer!

I just fixed my heater a few months ago. My heater tap was cracked and I used a datsun part to fix and it was a very simple mod. You can also get a heater core from the usa that will fit if that is leaking (usmb forum has details on this).

Whatever you do Please do not let it go to heaven!

I have seen these sell in the us for 3-4 grand in good condition but have not seen any good ones in aus for sale in years so I think the value has gone up.

You could probably redo the interior for under a grand. I had my dash top fully rebuilt with new vinyl ($300) the door trims were only about $150 I think and I used new sparco seats and carpet from clarke rubber

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:01 am
by Corax
Whatever you do DON'T get rid of him. If you do you will regret it for a looong time, possibly forever. I have a number of cars that I have sold over the years that I still wish I had and I still kick myself when I think about them.
I'm 100% with Toonga/Jules on this one. Find a shed, put him up on blocks, and whack a car cover over him and turn him into a long term project. I think you will find there is no shortage of people on this site who have a 'project car' sitting in their backyard (myself included).
As you said you have another car so you don't need it for your daily drive, so why not put her (sorry, him!) to one side for a while, save up the nessasary cash to restore him and when you are finished you will have an A1 ride? A lot better than trying to find another one (that you wont have to restore) in a few years time when the craving to own another one returns!

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 11:18 am
Thread hijack://

So true Corax to this day I wish I had never sold "buttercup" and it seems your brumby has already reached mythical status, as I keep hearing about a "WRX" powered brumby in Bunbury. with my response being "yeah I know the guy..."

Hijack over:\\


Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:05 pm
by carlie400
Hi All!!
IM SOLD!/CONVINCED! El you are right I just needed some reassurance and I got it!! Thank you everyone. Keep an eye out for my upcoming post of how do I fix this? and where do I get one of those? :-)
I can't sell scooby I would miss him terribly. He's my little classic vintage!
Now I just need to find a shed to store him in. Perhaps I could build one! :-) It's the Scooby shed!

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:10 pm
by carlie400
Ha! First one already. Anyone know where I can get window rubbers for the outside?? Poor scooby got parked in the sun a little too long a while ago and they melted and shrunk. Useless now. We have Thompsons auto rubbers near me but they don't even stock ANY subaru rubbers.
Any help appreciated!

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:58 pm
by El_Freddo
A decent car cover or even a tarp over the top of his regular parking area would be good enough until you can get a shed sorted. Make sure its a BIG shed ;)

Still going to keep a look out for a parts bitch to help maintain you're little fella?



Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:16 pm
by sublime
carlie400 wrote:Ha! First one already. Anyone know where I can get window rubbers for the outside?? Poor scooby got parked in the sun a little too long a while ago and they melted and shrunk. Useless now. We have Thompsons auto rubbers near me but they don't even stock ANY subaru rubbers.
Any help appreciated!
Hi Carlie

Which window rubbers do you need? The windscreen rubber can be sourced from a seller on eBay, the 1400/1600 rubber will work. The rear window rubber will be unobtainable but you should be able to find some generic rubber as the glass is flat.

Scott's Auto rubber ( sells a replacement for the rubber door scrapers (the wind down window rubber - on the door) but it does not work as well as the original.

There is a stage one Brumby on eBay at the moment - A 1978 model which would be ideal for you, at least in my opinion! ... 3a67240b7a

I should add I would love to buy the Brumby myself but with 8 Subarus at the moment it is hard to justify another one!

Forgot to add, I have a 1978 wagon for parts so if there is anything you need (and I do not want!) let me know.

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 1:49 am
by steptoe
Sublime has EIGHT Subarus !! Giles, man , you are not unwell just yet !!

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:41 am
by carlie400
Hey Sublime, Thanks for the ebay link.
Yes Bennie I am still looking for a parts car however until I get myself a little adequate sitting spot for scooby I can't buy another one to find a sitting spot for, I wouldn't be allowed!
Sub - when I do find a nice spot to sit him and start the renos I will be in touch :-) I'm not going to sell him. I do love him. The fantastic ausubaru people have re instilled my faith and desire to restore. He's not going to heaven anymore.
I need the outside bottom drivers door rubber. I will check out that ebay seller. Thanks again Sub and all!