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safe-for-the-engine, easy way to remove sand?

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:53 am
by 2nd Hand Yank
I still have some sand on some of the parts under the bonnet from Preston Beach
and now the sand looks a bit stuck to it, as if it's gone a bit gooey.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:35 am
by taza
I have to deal with this weekly.
Now I have a sump guard (Subaxtreme) it stops 70-80% of what used to get in there compared to having nothing covering the engine
I usually use CT-18 truck wash then hose the engine bay out. This gets rid of 98% of the sand and works as a degreaser. Otherwsie use a compressor and blow it out :mrgreen:

The past 3 times I have wash/hosed the engine bay out when I start up the char the check engine light appears, then I go for a drive and it drys out and the light goes off. haha


Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:56 am
by El_Freddo
High pressure water - give it a good squirt all over especially in the places that has the sand.

Then WD-40 the dizzy :mrgreen:



Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:29 am
by taza
El_Freddo wrote:High pressure water - give it a good squirt all over especially in the places that has the sand.

Then WD-40 the dizzy :mrgreen:


Bennie do you mean high pressure from a hose or a high pressure cleaner? I wouldn't touch the engine bay with a high pressure cleaner, I would be too worried about damaging something after taking paint off my rims due to one.


Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:38 am
by El_Freddo
High pressure cleaner - I've always done this and not had a problem :D

Sounds like some shit paint you've got there! :p It wasn't guyph's job was it?? :twisted:



Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:11 pm
by taza
El_Freddo wrote:High pressure cleaner - I've always done this and not had a problem :D

Sounds like some shit paint you've got there! :p It wasn't guyph's job was it?? :twisted:


At 2000psi thats pretty strong. That could almost cut your hand open so I would of throught it would do the same for wirring.

My dad ripped a CV boot open using the high pressure machine too close to it on the underside of the car and ended up having to get a whole new CV :(

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:04 pm
by NachaLuva
My opinion is its ok to use a high pressure spray on SOME parts of the engine bay like the engine, but keep it away from wiring, headlights & esp the dizzy. Iv learnt that the hard way!
Its even a good idea to put a bag over the dizzy to protect it.

After some of the bad experiences i'v had i wont be using a high pressure spray in the engine bay again. Just a $2 can of degreaser & a garden hose :D

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:24 pm
by lickabout
I just had to register and comment on this thread. NEVER repeat NEVER use a high pressure washer on anything in the engine bay. The major problem with this is that water will get into the electrical connectors that the manufacturer has gone to a lot of trouble to seal. With modern engine/transmission and other control systems working on small voltages with equally small current draw its easy for water to create havoc with these connections. Even though the connections are sealed some rambo with a 5 zillion pound pressure cleaner will easily by pass these seals. Very light garden hose pressure would even be risky, but much more preferable than a pressure washer.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:49 pm
by 2nd Hand Yank
Thanks guys.

My dad has a few horror stories of taking his car in for service,
asking for the to NOT shampoo the engine,
(because of one previous bad experience with an engine shampoo that he never asked for)
they go ahead and do it anyways, then some of the parts became fried or stuffed.
Likely electricals. Some of them were actually permanently damaged,
all because they thought it would look great...
or they are lazy and didn't want to get dirty while working on his car. :mad:

So what's best,
a low pressure garden hose then spray down with some kind of oil? (since the sand ain't dry any more :rolleyes:)
I have lanolin spray.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:25 pm
by d_generate
I'd never use high pressure on mine......mainly because it would end up red again because I did such a shitty job painting under the bonnet lol, but also for the reason lickabout stated, just blow or hose the sand out and another tip is to put grease on the top and bottom of your air filter to prevent any sand or dust slipping past, I used to do it to my Landcruiser & it saved a lot being ingested.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:17 pm
by El_Freddo
lickabout wrote:I just had to register and comment on this thread. NEVER repeat NEVER use a high pressure washer on anything in the engine bay. The major problem with this is that water will get into the electrical connectors that the manufacturer has gone to a lot of trouble to seal. With modern engine/transmission and other control systems working on small voltages with equally small current draw its easy for water to create havoc with these connections. Even though the connections are sealed some rambo with a 5 zillion pound pressure cleaner will easily by pass these seals. Very light garden hose pressure would even be risky, but much more preferable than a pressure washer.
True true, each to their own though - I've always done it where I need to while avoiding said connectors and wiring...
d_generate wrote:another tip is to put grease on the top and bottom of your air filter to prevent any sand or dust slipping past, I used to do it to my Landcruiser & it saved a lot being ingested.
Good idea d generate! I'll be using this one next time I head to the dunes ;)



Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:23 pm
by tony
if its from preston beach its probably got a lot of titanium in it which is used to manufacture paint. just leave it there and hit it with a pressure pack can of the colour of your choice.
on my L series with the original paint the pressure from one of those do it yourself for a buck places in doubleview started to strip the paint off the tailgate and once it gets a start it keeps stripping......
also i always cover the dissy and electrics with a plastic bag when cleaning but also attempt to avoid spraying around sensitive areas anyway just to be sure. 2 bucks at supercrap buys a spray can of cleaner and then the garden hose to finish off.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:19 pm
by sven '2'
I used the pressure washer from the carwash like a gorilla. Used it on all my subes over 15 years, cleaning red sand, beach sand, bull dust, mud & clay.

Never once cut wires, damaged electrics, took off paint or cut my hand. Once though I split my only cold beer at the end of a long weekend whilst cleaning the car on Monday night before going home. Actually, that was bad.

My point is we are happy to rev these motors at 8,000 RPM in deep sand with no air flow on a 45C day, but are worried about a bit of water?!

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:25 pm
by taza
sven '2' wrote:I used the pressure washer from the carwash like a gorilla. Used it on all my subes over 15 years, cleaning red sand, beach sand, bull dust, mud & clay.

Never once cut wires, damaged electrics, took off paint or cut my hand. Once though I split my only cold beer at the end of a long weekend whilst cleaning the car on Monday night before going home. Actually, that was bad.

My point is we are happy to rev these motors at 8,000 RPM in deep sand with no air flow on a 45C day, but are worried about a bit of water?!
Hell, you just go mental with the water :mrgreen:

Bummer about the beer, what a waste :(

8,000rpm..... FAR OUT!!!
I guess I have hit just over 7000rpm in the sand once and redlines at 6200. haha

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:05 pm
I have always used pressure cleaner (industrial size that WILL cut you)- just need to vary the distance away from sensitive items, common sense is all thats required

sven '2' wrote: Once though I split my only cold beer at the end of a long weekend whilst cleaning the car on Monday night before going home
sven this is terrible I am sorry for your loss

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 9:40 pm
by sven '2'
FROG wrote: sven this is terrible I am sorry for your loss
Thank you my amphibious friend. Fortunately I have drunk many since, and the wounds are healing.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:24 pm
by Smash1911
I wash everything with a pressure cleaner - except the 4.5L petrol cruisers, every time I have I've spent the next 30 minutes pulling leads and blowing out water from the plug tubes!
But seriously, use some common sense. If you have a cleaner with bulk pressure, take a step or two back!