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NT Subaru enthusiasts ......

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 12:00 pm
by Willie
There seem to be a couple of us up here.

I have (well, the wife really :oops:) an MY06 Forester XT. Nothing done to it at this stage, however will look into better tyres when the originals wear out. I probably wont take this off road too much, as the 17" alloys could easily sustain some damage. :?

This is why I have just agreed to purchase an L series with 2" lift and EA82T running gear. I will post more info on this car when I take delivery, however I did source it through this forum site.

The monsoon will soon be over and there should be some good 4WDing to be had when they open up some tracks.

Anyone coming up this way in their Soob, let us know. Be aware that parts are failry scarse and normally need to be ordered and shipped from south - bring spares if you're worried 8O

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:14 am
by Soobeit
Hey willie hows things going. I have a few questions to ask, I am looking at upgrading the liberty to a forester, am keen to get the XT but im just haveing trouble convincing the wife to get a forester as she wants to get something she wants but I look at every other car and it just convinces me more and more that the subarus have more to offer. but i just cant make her see that, Its so frustrating. have you any advice on the forester as you have two kids and i will have two by next year.
how does it go for room with a baby seat or two?
whats it like to drive and handle? (I assume it drives a bit like our lib)
Ask your wife for me for some good comments on the car that would swing her the forester way you would both have a bit of knowledge and experience now with the XT and can point out some pros and cons?
I know you are busy but it would be great to get some good advice first hand.


Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:15 pm
by Willie
G'day Dave,

The Forester is great - we can't fault it. It really suits our lifestyle, which is the best way to choose a car, I believe. I do a bit of mountain biking and, hen down south,alot of skiing. So AWD was high on the "want" list, as was roof racks to carry sporting stuff.

It drives really well - very easy to just get in and drive off. A few other cars we looked at seemed to take a while to get comfortable in and get used to. The driving position is really good - not too tall like a big 4WD, and not too low. This is especially good for getting little ones in and out of the car - it seems to be just the perfect height for putting our young bloke into his car seat. Our Pajero was too high, causing my wife to strain her back a bit to lift him, and the Galant is a bit low. The only critisism here is that with the child seat in and the passenger seat back at a comfortable position, there isn't a great deal of room between the back of the front seat and his legs - so he sometimes kicks the back of the seat which can be annoying.

The 06 model got slightly firmer suspension than earlier Forester XTs. This and the 17" rubber gives great handling. The electronic throttle and huge amount of torque means it's easy to drive around town with the traffic, or to put the boot in and disappear into the horizon!

We find with the 2 kids, a wagon was a necessity. The load space isn't huge in the Forester, but the pramm and gear fits most of the time, however we have put stuff on the roof racks twice.

Hope that answers a few of the concerns - for us, the Forester was the best choice. In fact, I'm seriously considering getting another (2nd hand) one for me, as the Galant will be going soon!

Talk soon. Cheers,

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 6:09 pm
by Soobeit
cheers willie
I just need to convince the wiffy! I am going to book her in for a few test drives. I'm pretty sure she will fall in love with, she hasnt driven many other cars before but when she has she has always commented that the lib heritage is miles ahead in every aspect. occupancy safety is a big one as well, which we know the forester out does everything in its class. A must with young kids I think.

well enjoy your course and we will have to catch up soon.


Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:23 am
by Soobeit
You still about Willie? havent heard anything from you lately but I see you are on the MRT site a bit.

Well I have left the NT if you didnt already know. So much for catching up, have to catch up if you make it down for the BBQ this year.

Moved to Brissy last Dec and drove the lib to brissy for the last time before trading her in on a toyota prado, sad moment! couldnt convince the wife to go with the forester. Impressed with the prado though.
still have the brumby to do up.

You done anything more to your wagon?

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 10:05 pm
by Willie
Soobeit wrote:You still about Willie? havent heard anything from you lately but I see you are on the MRT site a bit.

Well I have left the NT if you didnt already know. So much for catching up, have to catch up if you make it down for the BBQ this year.

Moved to Brissy last Dec and drove the lib to brissy for the last time before trading her in on a toyota prado, sad moment! couldnt convince the wife to go with the forester. Impressed with the prado though.
still have the brumby to do up.

You done anything more to your wagon?
G'day Soobiet,

Still here, only cannot post any threads / replies from work computers anymore, so only looking most of the time now. Have to wait until I get on the computer at home before I can post. I can still post on the MRT site though - go figure! Also on the Ford forums a bit now, due to buying an XR8 recently. (See my post "New Car" in chat.)

I saw a few threads by yourself, so I was aware you've been posted and sold the Lib. Have not done a thing to the wagon for a while now. We were in Sydney for my entire xmas leave period, and been flat out at work since getting back. About to go on a couple of short courses, then mid April I'm off to ALTC for a 6 week cse. I can't see me slowing down 'till mid year at least!

Hope to see some pics of the Brumby with some mods soon!

I will get to a BYB BBQ one day. Might have to wait for a posting back down south, but I will get there!

Hope you're enjoying the new unit. Cheers for now,