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Outback intermittant lack of power

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:48 am
by Thalass
I have a similar problem to the '97 liberty mentioned in another thread here. In the last week or so my car has randomly shuddered while driving and idling. But this morning it was doing it quite regularly, especially when accelerating, and it was very noticeable. It almost feels like the choke is out, or something. But being a 00 model, it's all electronic.

I might check the air filter thisarvo, I hope it's just that. In the other thread there is talk of ECUs and all that, and I really don't need more shit to go wrong with my car this year. I already have a screw in a tyre that I need to sort out and this morning a headlight blew!

Any ideas as to what it could be?

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:14 pm
by Thalass
I checked the ECU fault code via the "check engine" light blinkery method this afternoon - and it blinked continuously, which I think means "no fault".

Hopefully that means nothing major. I'm going to check HT leads, igniter packs, air filter, and failing that: the fuel pump thingo or the knock sensor or something. I dunno.

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:26 pm
by AndrewT
All good things to try.
fuel pump thingo u prolly mean put a new filter in.
I wouldn't mess with the knock sensor unless the code for it is displaying.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 1:20 pm
by Thalass
Driving my daughter to daycare this morning I noticed the car wasn't shuddering. Until I got home, at least, and then only slightly. I thought it was odd, but then realised that the last few times I've driven my car it's either been really cold and the car was covered in condensation, or it has been raining. So I had a look at the HT leads, and found this:



That's the number 1 igniter connection that's all green and corroded. This doesn't mean the ignition module is screwed, does it? I cleaned it up as best I could with what I had (toolbox is at work), but it hasn't really improved. I can hear (and sometimes see) the spark jumping from #1 to the bolt holding the module on. Even after shining the connector (and attempting to clean up the HT lead plug).

So I need new HT leads at least, and tonight at work I'll get some scotchbrite and some pro gold anti-corrosion stuff and clean it up better. If it's not raining.

We'll see how it goes after this! haha.

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 1:29 pm
by AndrewT
Certainly seems like it may be the culpret! Give the inside of the plug abit of a tweak with a pair of pliers too so it has a tigher fit on the end of the coil and better contact.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:58 am
by Thalass
Godsdamnit. I wasn't happy with the job I did cleaning up the terminal post at home, so when I had a few minutes at work I decided to get some proper chemicals to shine it up properly... And when I took the lead off the bloody contact broke off! So the HT lead was definitely borked.

I took a work ute down the road to repco - but they didn't have any. I managed to get to auto pro, too, before they shut but they didn't have any either. Not the stupid special subaru leads at least.

So I had to get my missus to drive me home from work. I guess it could have crapped itself on the way home anyway, so better that it died where I could leave the car parked safely. I just hope the local auto one has them, or can get them in quickly. I have a part number, so I know they'll be the right ones.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 6:06 am
by Gannon
What makes the Subaru lead special. Cant you get a similar lead and cut it to length?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 10:47 am
by AndrewT
Yeah a lead is a lead. Your bound to get better (thicker, less resistance) ones aftermarket anyway. Try some nice bosche 8mm ones. Even Top Gun work great I've found.

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 1:04 pm
by Thalass
Yeah a lead is a lead, except for the plug on the end. :P


There's the old one, the socket came out on the igniter box, and the boot broke off when I was trying to slide it back on the slim possibility I could reterminate it. Bah.

But I got a set of top gun leads for $99 at repco morley. The only place in all of perth that had any, it seems. Every other place I rang could get them in for me on monday, but I would like to drive my car home from work tonight... so we had to go out and get them. :P

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 2:45 pm
by AndrewT
ah it's one of
Hope it sorts the problem!

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 8:06 pm
by tasscube
Yeah ok well, i have a 00 forrester which has had similar problems backfiring and spluttering at low revs, replaced lots of bits and pieces and finally got some top gun leads which solved the problem for a few months and then started backfiring and spluttering again ! so this time took it to the mechanics explained what i had done and they checked it with an analyser which showed eventually (after 2 visits) the plug leads had crapped themselves ? so I have changed them again this time to ngk and so far so good. By the way I was charged $180 for the top gun leads and then threw the docket away when they worked as you do., you gotta laugh or you cry.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:53 am
by Thalass
The leads seem to have done the job. It's running great now. Much smoother. I guess the leads had been degrading for a while, but I hadn't noticed until that one crapped itself completely.

tasscube: Was there any other factor? Surely leads shouldn't crap themselves that quickly.

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 7:17 pm
by tasscube
No just going to see if these leads go the distance considering the original had done 195,000k and then these top gun leads lasted about 2,000km. Changed air and fuel filters, plugs, o2 sensor, upper head cleaner even got it retuned with a new timing belt by the mechanic, was going to replace the ignition coil but even the aftermarket ones I was quoted $600 so the mechanic tested the leads and found they had crapped themselves, cant say if it was the leads fault or whether there is something that causes them to short/burn out quickly time will tell.