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Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:30 pm
by mattw
I'll give them a chance to settle into their roles, but they have to try not to just clone Jeremy and co.
the "cheap arse car" isn't as spectacular as the UK version. The Proton is just too tight and screwed down. Where's the huge body roll, massive understeer etc. I'm impressed with the way the proton handles, I should be laughing at how rubbish it is.
they do need to improve the camera work around the track. It was full of bad angles and cutting away from a good shot to an in car that shows nothing. i'm sure they don't have the budget for all the cameras they use in the UK, but they could make better use of what they do have. My film production mate is going to have a field day, I'm not going to hear the end of it......

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:48 pm
by daveosubi
Yeah I didnt like it either, I'll still watch it because there's nothing better on.

The people they choose acted like tools, and the jokes and banter between each other was hard to watch, worse than neighbours. The only one on the show that seemed natural and likeable was the guest Nevil Bartos :).

If they didnt try for the exact same formula as the uk one and let the hosts be themselves or make up there own characters it could be good.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:15 pm
by 00outback
It wasn't to bad but they seem to be trying to hard I'll give it a chance hopefully it will get better as the season goes on.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:33 pm
by 4xsama
I didn't really like it but I was really looking forward to seeing it so maybe I was bound to be a bit dissapointed.

When they relax a bit it may improve but I can't help but think what makes the UK version good is the availability of rare/boutique cars (Ariel Atom, Prodrive one off's, Noble M12 etc). The local guy's will have to dig deep to find some special vehicles locally, especially considering our archaic vehicle requirements.

Good thing about it was I don't have to hear Clarkson bang on about how good Aston's, Jag's, Rangies (and anything else British is). What a tool!

Oh well, the second album is always a tricky one.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:41 pm
by dibs


Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:06 am
by Alex

last nights episode was crap

the smart car hearse thing was absolutely crap. Actually was offended by it.

how can they possibly compare a V8 clubsport to a 6cylinder turbo falcon? its just not a fair comparison. Although the drifting was pretty cool :)

theyre mucking it up now! first episode was watchable, but last nights was abit dismal.


Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 1:16 pm
by Chrus
I dont know that adopting the UK format is that smart. They have a big bench mark to step up to and putting a Aussie "cultural" spin on things makes it rather painful. :(

That being said I did enjoy the ute race in the super pit (god only know how they got permission for that - safety nazis will be having kittens!) Thought having the Stig drive the dumpy was "O.K".

As for red v blue...Learn to launch lads! That falcon could have had the R8 IMO ;)

4/10 rubber chickens

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:05 pm
by Venom
They should have actually butchered a smart car untill it was a hearse, or a Top Gear impression of a hearse anyway. Then it would have been a decent episode.

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:55 pm
by Mini_Me
I have 2 agree with alex, i didn't mind it, it was watchable till last night's episode. The holden/ ford thing was the same as the 'soft roaders' test... they never actually proved anything and the cars weren't all the same and either engine or price. how can u test a clubsport R8 against a FPV F6 turbo... doesn't make alot of sense at all

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 5:28 pm
by BrennyV
Would like to see any of you blokes do better! ;)
I think from the high standard that needed to be met that they have done a nice job and put a good 'ozzie' spin on it... I think we have to just get usto the hosts and the 'ozzie' format

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 5:31 pm
by L-BJ
To play devils advocate for a bit, the comparo between the F6 and R8 is entirely justified b/c they are simply taking the fastest cars Holden and Ford have to offer (and the GT just doesn't cut the mustard), plus ALL the car mags have been doing it since Ford released the F6/Typhoon b/c of this fact - so start writing into Wheels and Motor with complaints as well. Top Gear (UK original) does exactly the same thing with Porsche 911 GT3 RS v. Aston Vantage Race car v. Lambo Gallardo (Superlegggeeeeeeeerrrrrrra?) COMPLETELY DIFF ENGINES, THEY JUST MAKE IT LOOK BETTER! Which gets me to where I agree with the majority, the Aus version is all a bit naff and (appears to be) trying too hard. They'll be good (eventually) but has anyone seen the old episodes of the original UK one with the fat bloke... he sucked harder than a $2 hook*r. Give them some time (and get rid of the cartoonist guy), and have faith, don't tell me Australian's have inherited the British ability to knock everything before it's been given the time to improve?
Churs - you're right, the F6 would eat the R8 (and has) in every other test.
BrennyV - couldn't agree more

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 5:41 pm
by Busdriver
I think they have too use a similar style as the UK show because it is done as a franchise, so they probly arent allowed to change some things.
A bit like your local Jims Mowing having a trailer that looks different to every other Jims Mowing guys trailer.Just not quite right.
It wasnt too bad last night, at least give them one season, and yes some of the old pommy ones were pretty bad.

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:05 pm
by preno
I thought it was much better than the first one but still lots more room to improve... They will get better and get comfortable in their roles and we will eventually get use to it. Just give it a chance. Their aint much else better on tv anyway. The cartoonist guy annoys me to! But i think if he keeps up with his cartoon drawing jokes that could become something new and unique for the show.

I liked the ute race! even if it didnt prove a thing!:D
Was also expecting them to chop that smart car up into a hearse but didnt happen:???:



Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 7:02 pm
by Subafury
Venom wrote:They should have actually butchered a smart car untill it was a hearse, or a Top Gear impression of a hearse anyway. Then it would have been a decent episode.
ill still watch it. its gonna get better i know it. especially once they get a bigger budget too, to start blowing shit up!

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 11:54 pm
by subanator
3rd viewing, not sure if its getting any better. Doesn't have the polish and subtle humour the Uk version has. Exotic cars in Oz is a bit fopar, rather see something more realistic to what we can buy and see.

If there was anyone to do an Aussie version of this show, it should have been Roy and HG.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 12:21 am
by Alex
i liked tonights. It was good!


Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 12:25 am
by Matatak
some parts good

some parts bad - Like alot of their jokes

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:15 am
by L-BJ
Agree with the ROY n HG subanator, would be a class act (but try prying HG / John Doyle away from Tim Flannery at the mo, not likely).
Do think this weeks was good / better, jokes still bit painful though.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 7:05 am
by El_Freddo
subanator wrote:If there was anyone to do an Aussie version of this show, it should have been Roy and HG.
Hehehe... That would be something to see. I still wish they did something like Club Buggery.


Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:21 am
by preno
dam i missed it. anyone know of a decent torrent for it?