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ULP tipped to hit $1.70/L!

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 5:49 pm
by Silverbullet
Well that's what I hear on the radio in Adelaide anyway, hopefully it was the same people who said the Aussie dollar would get to $1.20 US.

I know some of us (not me :oops:) who drive around in Rexies and the like have to fill up on 98 which is nearing that price anyway, but if regular gets to this price I'm starting to think I should convert the ute to electric power :| Seriously, if I replaced the fuel tank with Lithium ferrous cells, I could easily get 60k of range up to 60-70km/h probably. Plug it in every night, don't waste money on petrol while I spend an hour every day idling at traffic lights, and save the petrol car for going to the beach or camping trips.

I know in Europe and the UK petrol is over $2 a litre equivalent so what am I complaining about? Well in Germany a case of decent beer is 5 Euros and you can rent a nice apartment for 350 a month, including gas bill. Has anyone else noticed how we get screwed from every direction on the price of stuff in this country? And it goes up every 3 months!?!?

/rant :roll:

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 6:11 pm
by NachaLuva
Silverbullet wrote: I know in Europe and the UK petrol is over $2 a litre equivalent so what am I complaining about? Well in Germany a case of decent beer is 5 Euros and you can rent a nice apartment for 350 a month, including gas bill. Has anyone else noticed how we get screwed from every direction on the price of stuff in this country? And it goes up every 3 months!?!?
Yep i have noticed we get screwed every which way! Was watching a US discussion on smart phones...Galaxy III & iPhone 5 both under $200!!! :(

Here a bottle of water costs more than the same volume of milk or petrol!

& the politicians recently gave themselves a decent payrise!!! GRRRRR :evil:

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 6:22 pm
by subabooba
Don't disagree in general but those phone prices are on plans, we actually do better, usually get them for free. About the only thing we don't get screwed on! :)

The electric car question is an interesting one, lots of new electric models coming this year and next, with fuel on the up and up, they might really take off a lot faster than expected.

Hope so, I'll be starting a collection of STi's that I'll pick up for a few hundred bucks each because no one wants petrol cars anymore! :P

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:52 pm
by 60766244
I already pay $1.70 most times at the pump wanting since Maple drinks Premium.

You should see the horrendous prices for fuel and housing in the Pilbara...

I saw a basic 3x1 house in Newman for rent the other day with the price set at $2100 a week!

I know it's a mining town... But I fell over laughing!

Edit: P.s. I should add some of the "Call me w/ phone number" tabs cut at the bottom had been removed.

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:14 pm
by Silverbullet
That's what I'm talking about, everyone charges/wants top dollar because they can get away with it. Or maybe everyone is happy to pay top dollar to live in this beautiful country. Where will it end? :(

Oh another example; a bottle of a well known, Australian made wine is cheaper in Europe than it is here. What does that tell ya?

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:47 pm
by taza
I'm paying around $1.75 in Perth here for BP 98... I know up home(in the bush of WA lol) I'd be paying $2.00 for octane 98 fuel. It's just stupid... I will be looking at getting motorbike or postie bike(110cc or 250cc) for the easy of day to day traffic and for fuel economy. Even while getting 9l to the 100km with the EJ25 Foz it still all adds up...

Everything is top dollar in this country. God we just payed $490k for a 3x1 unit in a prime and convenient location in Perth.

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 10:38 pm
by Kalbarri_baru
Filled up earlier today in Kalbarri W.A with premium @ $1.91 per litre :cry:

Posted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:11 pm
by taza
^ Oh I take it back, i thought it was over $2.00 a litre in Barri for premium...

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 2:53 pm
by Alex
taza wrote:I'm paying around $1.75 in Perth here for BP 98... I know up home(in the bush of WA lol) I'd be paying $2.00 for octane 98 fuel. It's just stupid... I will be looking at getting motorbike or postie bike(110cc or 250cc) for the easy of day to day traffic and for fuel economy. Even while getting 9l to the 100km with the EJ25 Foz it still all adds up...

Everything is top dollar in this country. God we just payed $490k for a 3x1 unit in a prime and convenient location in Perth.
at the top of the cycle 98 is rarely over $1.70 in perth, the most i have ever paid was $1.69 for my old passat which had to be ran on 98.

Bought a year old i45 the other week with a 2.4l 4cyclinder and averaged 5.5l/100km on our trip down to Margret river last weekend. Sits on 7.5l/100km in normal combined driving. Stoked.

Dont quote me, but im pretty sure our average salary is alot higher than other countries. Im sure its all pretty even at the end of the day!

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 2:13 pm
by 60766244
Yeah we definitely earn a lot more than other countries. I hear stories about how much most Kiwi's make an hour and I shudder.
Suppose we all best get mining jobs. ;) I know I love mine...

Brumby's lucky to get 9.5L to the 100km these days and I'm starting to consider selling up for something a bit cheaper to run. Wouldn't mind more range also...

I'm also working on getting an electric motorbike off the ground for all my short trips about town and visiting people.

I heard on ABC the other day they pay $2.80 a liter for 91 on Norfolk Island... D:

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:02 pm
by taza
Well $300 a week on apprentice wages is alot :(

In NZ though you can buy a can of coke and a meat pie for 1$ each, that 2 bloody bucks while here a pie alone is a min of $4.50 and a coke $3.20 plus!

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:47 pm
by thunder039
thats right most things even out with our high wages- but high living cost.
too right taza luckily i don't have to travel far to work, otherwise it could cost more to go to work!

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 10:33 pm
by Silverbullet
I thought it was a bit rich to hear the price of natural gas is going up to stay in line with global pricing....despite the fact it's mined and extracted HERE don't you think it should be cheaper here? :mad:

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:09 pm
by El_Freddo
Silverbullet wrote:That's what I'm talking about, everyone charges/wants top dollar because they can get away with it. Or maybe everyone is happy to pay top dollar to live in this beautiful country. Where will it end? :(
I dunno when it will end - either in our dollar dropping out and employment falling through for a lot of people, or some sort of revolt.

The addition of CPT added by our pollies to living expenses doesn't help! Also everyone trying to get the most money while getting the best deals doesn't really help. There are also probably a lot of people out there living outside their means in one way or another...
Alex wrote:Dont quote me, but im pretty sure our average salary is alot higher than other countries. Im sure its all pretty even at the end of the day!
Yeah it is - mainly due to unions pushing all the time for wage increases - sometimes when not really necessary. This has a ripple effect in some ways that certainly doesn't help the situation. The bubble has to burst at some point. It also follows with what I've said above about wages and best deals...
Silverbullet wrote:I thought it was a bit rich to hear the price of natural gas is going up to stay in line with global pricing....despite the fact it's mined and extracted HERE don't you think it should be cheaper here? :mad:
Well, this is what happens with our stupid government that sells it to Japan/China that then sell it back to us at whatever price they want. It's down right scary! Particularly if this trend keeps up - foreign countries will own our soil before to long...

I hate this shit.

Back on the original thing of $1.70 for fuel - the media has a lot to answer for this too - buttering us up so we're ready for it when it does occur, plus it makes for some good sales in newspapers and good numbers in viewership etc

