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That's the way of the world

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:21 pm
by Silverbullet
Just got some (sort of) bad news today...looks like I'm no longer employed for the time being! :o After nearly 4 years at my job and less than 2 months away from the official finish date of my apprenticeship, they told me there's not enough work anymore and had to let me go. But happily I will still get signed off, get my trade papers and become a fully qualified tradesman, so it's not all that bad. Because I finished all the official training months ago the last few months of the 4 years is just a formality really.

I have to say it wasn't a complete surprise, it had been very very quiet and less and less work was coming in over the last few months. Me and the other agency apprentice were let go today, being not directly employed by the company we worked at makes it easier to get the flick. Still with my level of knowledge in the area and being able to do pretty much any job they could throw at me, the boss didn't want me to go but had his orders from upstairs. The other toolmakers in the shop told me it doesn't matter how good you are or how much experience you have, you can still get the flick at any time, it's just the way it is.

It's not all doom and gloom, the agency I'm with says they will probably be able to find me somewhere else to go but I couldn't quite tell if that was just sweet talk to keep me happy :rolleyes: All in all I'm not too torn up about it, staying positive on the bright side I'm a free man! :mrgreen: With a skilled trade behind me, glowing references and an award from last year I'm hoping I won't be out of work for long. Even if it means moving inter-state.

For the time being though, I've got plenty of free time to work on Subarus and get the wagon well on its way to completion! :twisted:

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 8:26 am
by steptoe
you said it Sam - the way of the world. Just remember what you were or did yesterday don't determine what you are or do tomorrow. Just bloody hurry up on this 'bullet project huh ?

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 7:13 pm
Thankfully you got your ticket / papers Sam, you will always be able to find work with your trade.


Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 12:15 am
by El_Freddo
Mate you're bloody lucky they sorted you with your apprenticeship papers!

Qantas knocked off my mate before he finished his apprenticeship in heavy maintenance - apparently this is what they did to keep the cost down on labour! Shit way to go in my opinion, and it screwed my mate over as he's not got a qualification behind him either. He's one of those blokes that deserves it too.

If you have to move interstate head for Vic, not a bad state even though we're smaller that you we're still half an hour ahead - could be just what you need :lol:

Keep that positive attitude and it'll pay off mate!



Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 1:41 pm
by Cliff R
Glad you got your apprenticeship papers sorted.
I have seen so many apprentices in the Mech/Elec/Fabrication trades let go by their employers before they finished their time with no certificate of competency even though there were reasonable close to the end of their time.
Hope all goes well for you.
With your attitude being so good and upbeat this will see you to bigger and better things.

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 8:29 am
by steptoe
don't forget his abilities Cliff!

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 7:39 pm
by Green_eyed_liberty
in a similar ship.

was a contractor for the local council up here, contracts ended and didnt win it back (massive price undercut). after 15years i find myself looking for a trade or job to get into

on the plus side, the few weeks i've had off has seen alot of work done to the brumby ;-)

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 9:48 pm
by Cliff R
steptoe wrote:don't forget his abilities Cliff!
Absolutely :)