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Mack Tuna - Video

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 1:08 pm
by Ben
Hey all, ventured out this morning even though the forcasts were making me think against it - wanted to get out so figured I could always pull out if I needed to if it was too bad.

Some reasonablybig swells were rolling through so I figured we could just throw plastics at Pig Island for reds. Got out there and saw some fish busting up so headed over, as soon as we cast the lures they just went off so figured them for little mack tuna, used 10g metals and fired off cast after cast, eventually as the day wore on the fish got less shy about the boat and started to seem more interested in the offerings - got to the point where I could get the deckie to video me getting off a cast and getting a fish.

Here it is :)

should stream for those with a fast enough connection, otherwise save it - is a 25mb file :)

Just love those screaming drags, Tuna are soooo awesome

ended up boating 6 fish, kept 3 for bait and released the others, lost plenty of fish too :)