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Charter off the goldcoast today

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 7:43 pm
by stinky
Rewarded my staff at work with a fishing charter today, took over the whole boat and 6 of us went ( boat fits 12 ).

Firstly I have to say this was my second charter with BK's Fishing Charters, and once again they were awesome. The skipper Bob is very knowledgable and Becky the Decky kept everyone busy fishing. Their gear is excellent quality, good sturdy combos, some spinners with 20pd mono, and were overheads with much heavier braid for bashing the bottom.

Secondly, I've never been seasick before today, and I don't recommend it to anyone, I felt ghastly the whole time. It wasn't choppy, just a big slow waves of swell. Spent more time vomiting and feeling sorry for myself than actually fishing.

We headed out from Southport through some horrendus surf at the seaway, and headed out to the first reef. We got a Mac Tuna here pretty quickly, but then it went quiet. We moved on to another reef where we were greeted with insane action, was a big boil of Tuna, pretty sure there were some yellow flashes out there, but all we managed was another Tuna.

Moved to a third reef, and things instantly heated up with me pulling in a 57cm Snapper (PB!) and then three Spanish Mackerals in quick succession, the largest weighing in at 13.5kg, all were on the spinning reels, so 20pound line and lighter rods made them awesome fights. We dropped at least 6 other fish, two of which dropped at the side of the boat and were both Mackerals as well.

Headed back to dry land, gave Bob&Becky one of the Mackeral and carved up the rest of the fish into fillets.

I didn't get many photos due to my delicate condition, but here's a glamour shot :-


Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 10:37 pm
by Goon
What a suave bunch of fishos! Sorry to hear you got the "green plague", sounds like yas had a great time outside, hope to do the same over easter. Nice catches fellas!

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 5:14 am
by Outback bloke
Love the Spaniards. I have hooked a few like that but haven't had one to the boat yet.

Quite a few years back when I was doing a LOT of fishing I came across a place at Bribie up in the shallows where we used to see snapper like that one you have sleeping. Didn't matter what you did to try to catch them. They just would not feed when they were where we found them.

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 8:56 am
by Wilbur
I want to work for you. And to think my boss has at least one boat that is capable of that.
Nice Mack's too.