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Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:03 pm
by RSR 555
The longer you leave it, the harder to find a Jap Import 1/2 cut but you should be able to find some cheaper Aussie WRXs at the auctions. The Aussie ones will have higher Kms but at least you'll get all the parts you need. As chinski has mentioned, you can use the early SF5 GT Forester engine as well but they are lower spec but in the MY you really couldn't notice the difference.

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:58 am
by neo__04
thanks again for the info.

never bought from the auctions. Most auction sites have the km listed and whether its a write off/ repairable write off etc etc... Can you find out if these cars are running fine.
Ideally a car with rear end damage is perfect. But id hate to buy something without knowing it runs. Anyone have experience here?

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 8:11 am
by chinski
i've bought a postie bike from the auctions & they start all the bikes first & you can have a look at them running then they ride them onto the lot for auction, they did the same with cars but not sure if its major rear end damage what they do, actually i think it's different auctions, repairable write offs ( driveable / repairbale / re-registerable ) , statutory write off ( parts only ) . that's how i understand, best to rock up to afew auctions & register & see how it all goes down.

just found out my engine & trans from the 2001 STi forester in my brumby IS a MY00 WRX engine :D

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 8:28 am
by neo__04
Oh nice... score for you!

Yeah bit unsure of the auction process. There are a few online auction sites, have found a couple of cars, a 97 and a 2001 wrx. One is impact damaged vehicle, which is basically hit around the fuel cap, the other is theft damage, both look fine. Just like to know they run!

I'll call them and find out

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 4:30 pm
by El_Freddo
Generally you can presume that the engine is good if the car has been written off anywhere other than the front end.

Flat out rear end damage can punch the retainer clip in the back of the gearbox, this can cause the rear drive to fail/gearbox no go forward/reverse or cause total failure due to a foreign object getting in the gearsets.

Best is to be there to have a look and make a decision. I remember when I got my EJ22 from the parts yards I was the same - I didn't want to do head gaskets/rebuild etc and was a bit paranoid about it - all over a $125 engine! Got a good one though :D

Keep looking and you'll find what you're after - there's no rush! You've got to find an engineer first ;)

